The Very First Beauty Contest

The first beauty contest was held on Sept. 19, 1888 at the Belgian resort of Spa ,
then no one guessed what a start has been .
The final was attended by 21 candidate for the title of " beauty queen " .

The girls were taken from photographs sent to the jury. According to the reporter, one of the Scandinavian newspaper covering the results of those unusual events , participants of the contest were to be not known to the general public , lived in a separate building , access to which was closed to outsiders , and the competition they brought in a closed carriage . At the same men who were present at the event were dressed in tuxedos , women - in long dresses. The winner was 18- year-old Creole from Guadeloupe Bertha Sukkar , which got a prize of 5 thousand francs . Starting Belgium taken up by other countries, the most active of whom were Germany and the USA . History of beauty contests on the banks of the Rhine has been more than 90 years . The first competition of the German beauties in the summer of 1909 in the Berlin cabaret " Promenade . " The winning sales of cigarettes from Eastern Prussia 19- year-old Gertrude , received the prize - as much as 20 Reichsmark gold !

The very first " Miss America " representative jury chose September 8, 1921 , when the premiere of American beauty pageants. The winner was 16- year-old resident of Washington , Margaret Gorman, the daughter of an official of the Ministry of Agriculture . Incidentally , it was a world debut of semi-naked body - the girls for the first time in history appeared in public in bathing suits . "Miss America " was supposed to set an example of chastity . The winner in the "conventional" advertising "of the year were not allowed to appear in cereal , or at any events where consuming alcohol . Beyond that , how they blyudut carefully watched . Failure to comply with these rules was punishable by breaking contracts and taking away the prizes . Speaking of prizes. It is interesting that , among other awards, outstanding winner, appears a grant to study at college or university for up to 50 thousand dollars. It is said that the company " Miss America "is the world's largest " provider of scholarships for women . "

History of beauty contests has a new scope and popularity with the advent of " golden age " TV . For the first time "Miss America " was broadcasted live in 1954. Broadcast has broken all records : it looked 39 percent of TV viewers - more than 27 million people . First global beauty contest held in London in 1951 : there have been crowned Miss Universe and Miss World . 30 contenders that have appeared on stage in bathing suits , bikinis , which at that time were not yet known in England, created a furor.

Russian beauties at first chose among emigrants : Elections " beauty queens " of the number of our compatriots were held in 1927 in Paris . First the title was 19- year-old Cyrus Sklyarov . In 1929, the jury, established under the Paris edition of the magazine " Illustrated Russia , has developed the conditions of the competition. Election of the "Russian beauty hailed Ivan Bunin , Konstantin Korovin , Alexander Kuprin , Sergei Rachmaninoff, Chaliapin . Incidentally, in 1931 the title of Miss Russia " was the daughter of the great singer - Marina . In the USSR, the first beauty contest took place in 1988. Organization of the show " Miss Moscow -88 " involved in the Komsomol, but the sponsor of the group " Burda ", whose magazines had just begun to enter the Russian market. In the qualifying round came tens of thousands of Muscovites . Victory was won by 16- year-old Masha Kalinina , who finished school, moved away from Russia and is now trying to make a career in Hollywood under the pseudonym Mariah Keylina .

Incidentally , the first vice -miss to the competition was Oksana Fandera , which also makes the movie career , but in the homeland. After that beauty pageants in this country began to grow like mushrooms after the rain - from the not too serious "Miss feet " , "Miss bust " to the traditional "Miss Russia ", "Beauty of Russia " . Check carried out and by profession : "Miss Media " and " Mouth of the press " and "Miss Tourism, Miss MSU , " " Miss Watch Factory "and " Miss department . Belles chose among police personnel and inmates . Russian girls were not left unnoticed and international beauty parades . The first major victory was won by 18- year-old Julia Kurochkina, which in 1992 became the "Miss World ". In 1998, Rosalie Muraviova was declared " Supermodel of the World " and " Miss Russia 97 Elena Rogozhin in 1999 turned into a "Miss Europe. " The most "celebrity "for Russian beauties began in 2002 when Svetlana Korolev became " Miss Europe ", and 24 - year-old Oxana Fedorova won the title of Miss Universe 2002 ". 24- year-old graduate of St. Petersburg University, Ministry of Internal Affairs was able to circumvent the 74- beautiful girls in the world.

Throughout the history of beauty contests society's attitude towards this action was not clear. 1970 - 80- ies in the West, the waves rising protest movement against the exploitation of female beauty in order to profit from business tycoons . Negative attitudes towards beauty contest help and scandals , kept flashing around these shows. Even Germany's first beauty Gertrude was accused that she had won " through personal ties . In 1972, the scandal was a "Miss Universe " . It turned out that a representative jury is a fiction - and the fate of the crown alone decides the organizer of this spectacle , Eric Morley. Not long ago, the election of " Miss Universe " held to the accompaniment of speculation about the fact I changed one of the participants their sex and if so, how is this to be. Several years ago, the competition , held in Cyprus , which nearly tore the protesters feminists . But despite the criticism and scandals, each year the most beautiful girl choose virtually all countries and all continents. And if these stars are lit , so it somebody needs ?


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